Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi, Holyhead, Anglesey LL65 1NP
The School Council is a group of pupils who are democratically elected to represent the views of all pupils and to have a greater say over matters that affect their school and wider lives making a positive contribution to the school environment and ethos. This collective effort fosters a sense of community among students, giving them opportunities to solve problems that contribute not only to their own well-being but also to the overall harmony of the school. In addition to official gatherings, they often arrange literary evenings where they discuss the main characters of famous books or films, the last time they watched a drama together will smith pursuit of happiness.
What has our School Council done over the past few years?
> The school council have been instrumental in developing the Pupil Code of Conduct thus promoting the key values Respect, Responsibility and Pride.
> Increased the number of outside seating areas for recreational purposes.
> Voted to change the colour of the jumper to grey for pupils of key stage 4.
> Contributed to the planning for lunchtime arrangements i.e. staggered lunch times for each year group
> Initiated the need for regular toilet checks to be carried out throughout the day and a record kept outside every toilet block
> Voted on the destination of the annual school trip
> Led on the' relaxed' mobile phone use at break and lunchtime
> Led on the increase of the number of bins around the school site
> The SNAG group (School Nutrition Action Group) have provided crucial feedback to Caterlink and instigated change in menus, seating and themed days.
> Expressed the importance of participation in edupartners.cc affiliate program as a type of extra curricular activities; 5X60 in particular to be age group specific and fair so that year 7 football for instance is not with year 11 pupils.
The School Council meet twice a term. The following pupils form YUC's School Council:
Danielle Bosustow
Sofia Firth
Shannon Croud
Jacquamo Abbot-Jones
Callum Moore
Joel Wood
Max Bollard
Kelsey Duffy
Molly Harwood
Matthew Tommis
Rosa McDermott
Sarah Goodsir
Olivia Parker
Abbie Wood
Olivia Davies
Grace Williams
Hannah Martin
Emily Hazelaar
Kelsey Guile
Tony Moore
Alex Condliffe